Note: This only resets the login password not transaction password.
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Livitpay is the fintech platform. Payment accounts and Mastercard cards are issued by Paynetics AD (via Paystratus Group Ltd, a Technical Provider of Paynetics AD) with company address at 76A James Bourchier Blvd, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria, company registration number 131574695 and VAT BG131574695, pursuant to an e-money license issued by the Bulgarian National Bank No. 44/11.04.2016. LIVITPAY Limited is incorporated in England & Wales (company number 13800042) with its registered office at 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX. This website is owned and maintained by LIVITPAY Limited. For programmes operating in the United Kingdom, the Payment Account and Mastercard cards are issued by Paynetics UK, Company number 1248133, (via Paystratus Group Ltd, a Technical Provider of Paynetics UK). Paynetics UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Paynetics AD with its registered address at 1st Floor, 18 Devonshire Row, London, England, EC2M 4RH. Paynetics UK is an electronic money institution authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 942777) for the issuance of e-money and provision of payment services in the UK. For programmes operating in the European Union, the Payment account and Mastercard cards are issued by Paynetics AD (via Paystratus Group Ltd, a Technical Provider of Paynetics AD) with company address 76A James Bourchier Blvd, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria, company registration number 131574695 and VAT BG131574695, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated and Bulgarian National Bank.